Monday, July 27, 2009

Giana at 6 months

Giana turned 6 months on Thursday and wow how time flies when you are having fun! This is really a fun age...and each month just gets better. Giana went to the doctor today and weighs in at 16 pounds, 8 ounces (60%) and is 26 inches tall (58%). Big girl! She had a nice gain over these past few months--my girl likes food! She got 3 shots in her thighs and was very sad, but was able to calm down quickly and then slept for a few hours. Her legs seem to be sore as she is whimpering while trying to stand on them. Poor baby! Anyway, she is doing all the things that she is supposed to be doing. She is grabbing at objects and holding them for a long period of time. Kenny actually noticed that she likes to grab things with her left hand...wonder if she is a lefty??? (Hand preference is not really shown until 3 or 4, but who knows???) She has found her feet, (which I have said before) and now she brings them to her mouth. SO CUTE!!! She is rolling all over and is pretty mobile--we are having to baby proof, which is not easy with all of Talia's small toys all over the place. She definitely knows what she wants too--she will roll and move around to get it! She is so vocal these days too. While eating, she will say "mmmm" after each mouthful--pretty loudly. It is pretty funny. She was crying the other night and clear as day said "mama" while she was staring at me...could that really be her first word? She is really loving Talia and laughs at her constantly--it is the sweetest belly laugh. Talia loves the attention from her (of course) and will ham it up for her. Talia will also sing to Giana when she gets fussy (or fuzzy) as Talia says. As for sleeping, we are still working on getting her to sleep through the night consistently. We have some great nights (like last night 7:15 to 5:15 this morning!), but then some not so great nights, where she wants to nurse and play for hours at 3:30 am! I know that this night waking *should* be over soon, so I will just be patient and enjoy the quiet time that we get together in the middle of the night. Let's hope that she is happily sleeping for 12 hours a night by the time school starts in less than a month--boo hoo!

These pics are from her professional session at Portrait Innovations at the Glen. I love that place!

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