Sunday, April 4, 2010

Giana at 14 months

14 months...the days are just going by so fast. Gigi is learning new things every day and is SO MUCH FUN!!! She is smart, funny, happy, and sensitive (she will cry/whine when Talia does).
Her language is just exploding. She will repeat everything and say new words daily--some of her new words/tricks are: wow, cookie (she'll consistently repeat this--cookie!!!), peas (please), yuck, pizza, hot (in a whisper), no, go, wawa (water), boo-yaa, goggie (doggie) and OK; she knows what a duck, cat, dog, cow, horse and sheep say; she blows kisses and gives lots of raspberries on your cheeks and arms. She also needs to know where "Taya" (Talia) is at all times. She is constantly saying her name. She even calls for her in the morning--usually after calling for "Mommeeee" and Dada.
She is also trying to bite to be playful--I think more-so to get a reaction, and there is certainly always a reaction to a bite! When she is done with food, or a toy, she just throws it--fair warning if you are around her while eating or playing. She is walking more--I'd say definitely more walking than crawling now, and is getting better at turning corners and stopping to pick things up without falling over. She likes to play with rubber balls and can kick them too. She kicks with her right foot (unlike T who kicks with her left).

Her sleep has been better since the time change, waking somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30, although she continues to call out some nights around 3 or 4. I do not go in to see her, but it is enough to wake me (and usually Talia) up. Giana is becoming more picky about food--she does not like cheese anymore, nor does she like pizza, quesadillas, strawberries or cantaloupe. She used to love those! She does love meat--chicken, hot dogs, burgers are her favorite meals. She will also eat eggs, waffles and goldfish snacks.

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