Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Giana at 17 months

Giana continues to grow and change and talk more each day. She loves to play in the pretend kitchen, play with babies, carry purses, color/scribble, play in the pool (but not the sprinkler), swing and go up and down slides at the park, and hit/pinch her sister! She is definitely starting to become more assertive with Talia, and with us. She will hit and pinch and throw things or knock them over when she does not get her way. She is also starting to throw herself back or lay on the floor when she is having a tantrum. It is pretty funny to see her so assertive with Talia, but not so much to see her with us. Hello Terrible Twos! (Talia always hit those benchmarks at the half year, and it looks like Giana is doing the same thing too!) Talia is a great big sister though and will just yell for us to help her--she will not hit her back.
Giana's language continue to grow: she is becoming so well mannered, saying please and thank you without needing to be prompted, no thank you, help, let's go, I want some, outside/inside, upstairs/downstairs, and randomly saying I love you! It is so sweet to hear.
She is loving books and has a bunch of them memorized. Some of her favorite books are the touchy feely books from Usborne, That's not my...., Eric Carle's Have you seen my cat?, and Oops David. I love that she loves books so much. Talia is even starting to read to her, as they both sit in the rocking chair. It is so cute!
Giana was not so cooperative during this photo sessions, so here's one of her standing.

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