Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Talia turns 5

I actually wrote this post back in April but never posted it. Here is a bit about my "baby" girl as she turns 5! Wow!

-Continues to think of others before herself—great sense of global service and kindness towards others

-Goes into other room to jump up and down when she wins a game, b/c she didn’t want to hurt her dad’s feeling b/c she won a game of Life!

-Wonderful big sister to Giana-pushes her on the swing, shares her treats and snacks, helps her get dressed, sings with her/to her after she goes on the potty, holds her hand in the car

-Major attitude—five going on fifteen!!! She rolls her eyes, and says, “rurh, mom” all the time!

-Still sucks her thumb, although needs to stop, as it is now starting to change the shape of her mouth; when the dentist told her this last Monday, it was so sad to see the tears slowly roll down her cheek; still loves her blankie

-Reading--full on. Picks up new books and reads her little heart out. Although can get discouraged easily, as she feels like other kids can read better, faster, etc…

-Picky eater—likes noodles (but mainly with butter), chicken nuggets, hot dogs, popcorn chicken, jelly sandwiches, fries, pudding, yogurt, many fruits and veggies, provolone cheese, many breakfast foods—muffins, pancakes, waffles, etc. smoothies, milk, and that’s about it…..

-Still loves dresses and getting dressed up

-Is into fairies, barbies, board games (monopoly), still loves to color and do art, activity books, Disney channel

Happy Birthday Talia!

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