Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Giana is 4

Another year older for my sweet hard to believe.  Where does the time go?

Giana is such a beautiful, sweet, funny, happy, stubborn, and kind little girl.  I love how easy going she is, how honest she is, and how funny she is.  She is willing to do anything for you, and is such a helper.    It is hard to be in a bad mood around her, or to get angry at her.

She loves going to school.  She loves to look at books, write her name, color, and pretend to do homework.  She loves math, and definitely has more of a math brain.  She can identify numbers to 20 and loves to add.  She wants to learn to read as Talia reads to the babies all the time, so she wants to as well.  And even though she has so many books memorized, she is trying to match letters and sounds to read.  So cute!  She loves anything princess-especially Tiana.  She loves Dora.  She loves animals, and these days keeps asking for a hamster just like her friend Avery's.

She loves to sleep, and still naps most days.  She loves to snuggle up with a blanket and watch TV or The Muppets on the I Pad.  She does not like to be alone.  She is such a little cuddler.  

She weighs 36 pounds, and is just over 40 inches tall.  Around the 50th percentile for each.  She loves to eat, well, mostly, she loves to snack, but she is not afraid to try new foods.

I am so lucky to be her mommy!

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