Friday, April 23, 2010

Giana at 15 months

At 15 months, Giana is just so fun! She is talking so much and has such a sweet little voice. She has the best manners. She will say "bless you" after a sneeze, says "peeze" and "tank oo", and says "he-wo" (hello) or "hi" and "ba-bye" when entering or leaving the room. She will also pretty much repeat anything that you say, and her initial response to everything is "NO!" When she does not want something, so will say "mama" and hand it to you--she does this to both Kenny and Annie. She loves to give hugs (and will say "ahhh") and open mouth tongue kisses. Fun! She loves purses, keys, and any kind of musical instruments. She loves to dance and bobs up and down to any kind of music. She is walking with much more confidence, and she is getting very fast! She likes to go up the stairs and has started going down too...although she thinks that she can go down facing forward. She likes to climb onto everything! She also is starting to sing her ABC's and can count from 1-10 (although she skips four sometimes). She loves to read books now, and her favorites are the touchy-feely ones. She especially loves the one called "Little Feet Love" and touches all the touchy-feely things with her little feet. It is so cute! She loves to try new foods and loves all things meat! She is really a carnivore right now...let's hope that this continues. While she may continue to wake up at 5:30 am some days (thank goodness the 4:30 wake up is over!), she will call out to both Kenny (Dada) and me (Mom, Mommeee, Mama), and even call for Talia (Ta-we-ya) when we don't respond. Then as soon as you go in to see her, she will throw herself back down on her mattress and play a little game of "I-am-not-going-to-get-out-of-my-crib-right-now!" It is very cute! She loves drinking out of cups with straws and anything in a glass bottle (like a beer!) What a fun toddler she is!

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