Friday, October 23, 2009

Giana at 9 months

This has been a big month for Giana. Firstly, she is fully crawling (and she is fast!), she is pulling to stand and she has even taken some steps as she is holding on to your hands or furniture. I am not ready for her to be walking. I just want to yell at her to SLOW DOWN! She is getting too big too fast. She has almost perfected her pincer grasp, and she loves to put everything in her mouth. And while she has started to eat some people food (yogurt, apples, grapes, pastina, bread, avacados, just to name a few), I would say that her favorite food at the moment is paper. She loves to grab it from Talia and shove as much of it in her mouth as she can. Silly girl. Gigi has started to talk too--she says 5 words consistently: hi, dada, mama (although mainly when she is sad), yaya (for Talia) and baba (for bottle). Her little voice is so cute, except when she is screaming in her car seat. She has really started to understand so much more, as we are signing with her, so she understands "more", and "all done". She will also come to you if you ask her to and we are trying to label everything before giving it to her, or saying up, when she stretches her arms to be picked up. She is going though her "Stranger Danger" phase, and is very serious when she comes into a new situation. Smiles can be hard to come by with Gigi for a "stranger", esp. if the person is male. Sleeping is getting better, but she is still waking up at night. The difference now is that I am not going in there unless she is screaming as this probably means that she is stuck in the standing position or that she has dropped her pacifier. I think that she is really close to sleeping all the way through the night--let's hope. Her 9 month appointment is on Weds, so I'll update with her stats then.

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