Monday, October 12, 2009


We spent this past weekend in Toledo visiting Zio Gene and Uncle David, and we had a great time. We drove into Toledo on Friday. It was a crazy long ride due to the rain, but we arrived safe and sound. On Saturday, we woke up and got ready to go to the Toledo Zoo (per Eugene's itinerary). What a great zoo it is. They have a bunch of photo ops of bronzed animals and Talia needed to ride all of them:

We saw a bunch of animals and Giana really loved it too.

She really liked the birds. This one was really funny looking...
Talia, of course, loved the monkeys. There was a big one leaning against the window here and Talia used her sweetest voice talking to him. "Why are you sad, monkey?" It was pretty cute.

One of the best parts is that there is an aquarium right in the zoo.

We spent a while looking at Nemo. They apparently live near or in the sea anemone. The movie was right!

There is also a new children's area that was fantastic. Giana loved crawling around and trying to climb on everything.

She really loved the baby area. It was a plastic pond and she was trying to get the objects that were below the plastic and water. She couldn't figure out why she couldn't grab the objects.
Here's Talia listening to a story, raising her hand to answer questions and sitting criss cross applesauce. What a good student!

David, Giana and I take a rest while Kenny and Talia play on the new playground.
After the zoo, we went on a tour of Toledo and then went out to dinner at a fabulous Mexican Restaurant, where we were serenaded to "In the Jungle (whima way)" by a great Mariachi Band. Once the kids were in bed, the 4 of us played Briscola, where Kenny and I made an impressive comeback, winning 3 to 2. The next morning, Eugene made us a delicious, all natural, good for you breakfast. Delicious! What a fun weekend! Thanks to Zio Gene and Uncle David for being great hosts. Looking forward to seeing you guys again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice photos! Thanks again for coming!!

    Uncle David

    P.S. See, I read the blog.
