Monday, November 23, 2009

Giana at 10 months

It is hard (for me) to think that "baby" Gigi is already 10 months, but it is true! She is just a bundle of energy and fun these days. We have been to the doctor on and off these past few months for some ear infections that just don't seem to go away and finally got a weight and height check last week. She currently weighs 22 pounds and is 28.5 inches long. Big Girl! She had a pretty big weight gain since her last official weight check with Dr. Chen. She went from the 25th percentile in weight to the 75th percentile! The girl does love to eat--and she will eat everything that you put in front of her! She not only loves her rice and oatmeal cereals, she loves yogurt, apples, avocados, pears, grapes, blueberries, pancakes, pastina, noodles, bread and cheese. And her two new teeth on the bottom really help her out too! She is getting stronger and faster in her crawling and has even started crawling up the stairs...we need to get the gate out! She has been taking more steps while holding on to furniture too...almost fully cruising. She loves taking a bath and seems to be getting attached to her pink blanket. She loves to bury her head in it when she is getting tired, or will put it over her head as she is trying to fall asleep. Speaking of sleep, we are on a good schedule--7 or 7:30 pm until 6 or 6:30 on weekends! Hooray! Now if only Talia can get back to sleeping through the night (she has to go potty, be re-tucked in, needs water at 2:30 am, etc) She is talking more and is up to 9 words now: hi, momma or mommy, dada, yaya (for Talia), baba ( for bottle), Abbie (for Annie, our sitter), baby, bye bye, and up. She loves to laugh (esp. at Talia) and to sing or listen to music. It will always calm her down (and hearing Talia sing to her when she is upset is just so sweet!) What a great baby she is!She got very tired of taking pics by the end...poor baby!

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