Monday, March 4, 2013

Stella and Lucia are 4 months old!

The girls are growing every day and it so great to be at home watching it all!  At 4 months, the girls are smiling all the time and LOVE watching their big sisters dance and sing and move all around.  They are getting very good at holding their heads up and are consistently rolling from their tummy to their backs. We can't have "tummy time" for very long because they just end up rolling over...but then they are stuck so they cry.  It's actually pretty cute.  They are starting to coo and gurgle back when you talk or sing to them.  We love talking and singing!

At their doctor appt. on Tuesday, Stella weighed in at 10 pounds, 5 ounces and Lulu weighed 10 pounds even!  They are both 22 inches tall.  And even though they are still only the 10th percentile on the preemie scale for both weight and height, they are getting so big!

Stella is smiling at one of her sisters here...

They are both officially out of anything newborn sized, so most of their clothes are either 0-3 months or 3 months.  They are wearing size 1 diapers.  It seems like we are starting to get on a schedule during the day, and some days where they both sleep at the same time (!)  but some days they just take a bunch of 30 minute cat naps, and never at the same time!  Most nights, they are sleeping from about 10 to 5, and then get antsy and want their pacifiers...although they won't necessarily eat again until about 6:30 or 7.  Good sleepers! Although we've had some rougher nights, where one of the babies is up every hour...not fun!

Lulu was not happy about taking pictures...and Talia is trying to help her calm down...

So, I decided to take pics of Stella

but then Stella got mad and sad too...

so I switched back to Lulu...who was much happier...

 We started cereal over the weekend, and their first instinct was to thrust it out, but they are each getting in a few good swallows.  We'll keep practicing!  

Lulu is waiting for her cereal 

Stella thinks the cereal is yummy

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