The competition between the girls continues...and today it's in a great way! Stella was placed in an open crib last night too! So proud of her and all of the growth she has made! Here she is in her new home:
I was able to take both of the girls into one of the day rooms, and the three of us spent some time together...alone. It was so great to be with my sweet little girls. I got a small taste of life with twins: I changed Lulu's diaper at 11, fed Lulu, changed Lulu's diaper again (poop), snuggled with Lulu, then changed Stella's diaper at noon, fed Stella, Lulu cried, put Stella down, picked up Lulu and held her until she fell back to sleep, continued to feed Stella, changed Stella's diaper again (poop), snuggled with Stella, and started the whole process AGAIN...and it was WONDERFUL! I LOVED every minute of it!!! (except that I needed to go to the bathroom and I was thirsty, but couldn't leave the room, oh well...)
I was able to put both girls in Lulu's crib to go into the room.
Such sweet little peanuts!
Stella and Lucia--not sure why Lulu looks so much bigger here!
In other news, Lulu found her thumb today! At our 20 week ultrasound, she was sucking her thumb, which made Talia so excited to see since she used to suck her thumb too. Today was the first time since her birth that I have seen her suck her thumb. So cute!
Stella was so tired after sucking down her entire bottle.
Hooray for Day 18! Hopefully, there are not too many more days in ISCU...thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. We all appreciate them!