Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 15 in ISCU

We had an amazing time in one of the parent/family rooms this afternoon...the big girls were so excited all day to go to the hospital to see the twins!  The twins were loving all of the snuggles that their big sisters were giving them.  It was such a special time!

                                     Gigi holding Lulu and Talia holding Stella

Gigi and Lulu

Lucia and Stella

Talia and Stella

I love my family of six!!!

 Kenny, Gigi and Stella

Me, Talia and Lulu

We stopped at the chapel in the hospital on the way out and Talia wrote this in the prayer book...such a sweet big sister!

Thank you God!


  1. This is the best posting to date! Love!

  2. I read this every night! It just keeps getting better! That letter from Talia made me cry! You are one lucky mama! Love you!
