Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 9 in ISCU

I was so happy to get to the hospital today, as it has been a rough day at home.  The time change did not work in my favor, as Gigi woke up at 5:30 instead of 6:30 today.  I'll sleep again someday, right?  :)

After church this morning, Kenny and Talia were playing around and Talia was pretending to drive the car.  Next thing I know, Kenny is writhing in pain as Talia slammed the door on Kenny's left index finger, peeling his nail up and breaking the tip of his finger!  We spent almost 3 hours in the ER!  (and Talia had an allergic reaction on Friday night, and Kenny took her to the ER too!) My life is so boring!!!

                          Kenny is comparing his finger splint to Lulu's IV splint on her arm

I was able to feed Lucia a bottle, and she took about 20 ml of her 25 ml bottle.  She is really starting to get the hang of sucking, swallowing, moving her tongue, and breathing all at the same time.  That's hard work!

Stella was awake for most of the time that we were there.  Her eyes are getting more blue every day.  She is not quite ready for a bottle, but she loves to suck on her paci, with a little bit of help.  The nasal bulb helps to hold it in place.  Those nurses are smart!   

Pumping is going really well, although I am waiting for the day that I can actually nurse!  I keep bringing in bottles of breast milk every time we visit.  I've brought in so much that they've moved some of the milk into a deep freezer.  Glad to know that I will be able to feed both of them!

I love that we can both hold a baby!  

1 comment:

  1. I love the nasal bulb rest!! Bet you didn't think it would serve that purpose when you bought it!!
