When I talked to Stella's night nurse this morning, she said that Stella had a great night and was all ready to go...I got very excited but I knew that I would need to talk to the doctor for the official release. I feel as though I was holding my breath when I walked into the ISCU. Vivian, one of Stella's favorite nurses, had a box of bottles, diapers and Stella's things all ready to go. I asked her why all of Stella's things were in the box and she just smiled and said that the doctors had not completed their rounds yet, but she was pretty sure that Stella was going home.
Around 11 am, Dr. Amer came in and said that Stella was going to be discharged today!!!! Hooray! Thank you God! Stella is coming home!!!
What an incredible feeling...25 days in the ISCU and I get to have both of my daughters home. Amazing! The girls are only 36 weeks, 2 days old gestationally, and they are both going to be home...wow.
Here she is all ready to go in her car seat!!!
And here are both girls in the car.
Stella and Lucia
And we're finally home...home sweet home....
Their first matching outfit:
Lulu and Stella
Lulu and Stella
Once again, I just want to stress how thankful I am to so many of you who have been there for us throughout these past few months. It has been such an interesting time, and I am feeling beyond blessed to have both of my babies home. Thank you all!!!
Great post! We're so happy we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with Stella and Lucia!